Sunday, June 30, 2024

Good intentions

 I had the best of intentions at the beginning of the year to revive my blog.  And then, life happened.  It's been a medical roller coaster for us.  The Hubz has seen 16 doctors since the end of February, had a trip to the ER (where we were during the earthquake), and a gazillion tests and such.  He now has a diagnosis and treatment.  Immunotherapy, which is now showing side effects.  So not much energy on my part for posting pretty pictures.

However I have been very productive.  4 pairs of socks, 'cause that's what I do while in the ER and various waiting rooms.  No pics.  They are all stockinette and very pretty.

One Shetland hap shawl for younger DD.  The yarn is Shetland, the lace is Shetland, but the shaping is not.  I made 3 triangles just because that kind of shape really sits well on the shoulders. I like it so much that I'm now making one for me.  Don't have a picture, just because I don't.

This is mine.  Color is a bit darker than the picture. The shawl matches an old silk skirt of mine.  It's one of my favorite skirts, and this will be very pretty with it.

Quilting is also going on.  I started a Jacob's Ladder quilt a couple of weeks ago. It's delightful mindless work.  Here are 2 blocks.  I have no idea on how I will actually arrange the blocks, but this give one idea.


And that's how I'm keeping my sanity.  I've also now gone back to the gym, which makes me strong, agile, and healthy.  And I come out of a workout feeling full of endorphins!  Yay!!


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