Monday, July 13, 2009

The Yarnarian Blathers As Usual.

Odds and ends going on here in Yarnarian Land. I am now posting very occasionally on Facebook. Younger DD got on it for some reason, and invited me to follow her. So of course I am, and also chatting with the same bunch of people I chat with on Twitter, and Ravelry. It makes me dizzy. I don't know where I've said something. ACK! I think I'll concentrate on little Twitter; it takes a lot less energy than Facebook.

Knitting News: Remember this BFL yarn I posted last week? I found the color inspiration in a magazine, and the minute I finished dyeing it, I knew that it would not sell. I wasn't even sure I liked it. But I was playing around with my new BFL, and with different color combinations, so that was the source.

Wound it up into a ball, and still was not wild about the yarn. Didn't want to overdye it, just wanted to see what I could do with a yarn that didn't thrill me.

Browsed through one of my Barbara Walker books (#1) and found this slip stitch pattern, and thought: What the heck! Might as well try it out. Surprise! I like it, I really like it. Which goes to show that variegated yarns, even in weird color combinations, can work up into ways wondrous.

Embiggen the pics to see the pattern. I love the word "embiggen".

Dyeing: I'm back on a brown binge. Must be looking towards fall, my favorite season. We are having a gorgeous summer (pooh pooh, go away, Evil Spirits), so why I'm dyeing up fall colors beats me. I also did some seasonless lace and some more loooong skeins of Penny.

Here are the Bambi yarns: Moody Brown and Forest. Moody Brown started life as something entirely different, so I dunked it into a brown, then another brown, and finally into yet a third brown, decided that it was a great yarn. I was going to call it Moody Mud, but decided that that was a negative name for a great, sophisticated yarn.

A Bambi that was sweet: Mignon. Dyed with leftover solutions and therefore in the pastel area.

And now Lace! Emily Lace Yarn to be exact. Wonderful 1200+ yards of merino love. This is so nice to knit with. Soft Teal, Purple Orchid, Pink Fling, and Apricot Sorbet. There is a lot of colorwork in each yarn, although it all blends into one pretty color. Your shawls and scarves will look so elegant!

And finally, one of the long Penny yarns. Yes, I know, this is not pretty, but just think of it in that sock pattern posted above. Think of it as a Hot Tamale colorway, which is what it is. That rusty red took me 5 different colors of mixing to produce, and I'll never reproduce it. It's not pretty, but it is striking. I still have some work to do before I get this technique down pat, so if you want it, I'm selling it for $20 instead of $25. Nice savings, and you get the red that I worked so hard on. ;-)

If you want, you know how to get. Every yarn is $20 + shipping, EXCEPT for the Emily yarn, which is $32 + shipping.

Gotta go and pack my Fiber Barista order. It's going out either today or tomorrow, depending on how fast I can get it all together. I'll leave you with a teaser pic of the yarn. Talk about nasty, How ebil of me to post a yarn pic, where you cannot tell the colorway. Mwahahahaha!\\

Moody Brown is spoken for.

Hot Tamale is "sharked!"

Linda - It's yours. The usual $20. no shipping since I can enclose it with the FB yarn

Carolyn - I wish I could take credit for embiggen. I saw it somewhere and fell in love with it. Here's one of my own: to shark. sharking means grabbing a yarn before anyone else gets it.

itsJUSTme-wendy - I like red buy find it hard to dye up with other colors. I don't like it with blue or black. gold and red I like. Purple and red.


Henya said...

Be still my beating hart. Purple! There is purple! I love the almost solid colors.

Linda W said...

I still want the Moody Mud Bambi, or whatever you finally called it. Let me know how much and I will send money your way. Maybe you can stick it in with FB yarn?

Anonymous said...

I love your new sock pattern. That's delicious. I love your new word, too.

I want to embiggen my check book.
I wish I hadn't embiggened my stomach by eating too much.
What will I do when Ricky gets to be an embiggened llama?
I don't want to embiggen Walmart's cash register.
Phillip and Jessie's baby is embiggened enough for the sonogram to show she is a girl.
I like embiggening knitting patterns before I knit them, especially if they are in chart forms.

Yeah, I could like this word...

Wall-to-wall books said...

I am not normally a red person but I love the combination with the brown, nice.

I have passed on an award to you. Come check it out!


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