I've been way too busy the last few days, and just ran out of time for blogging. So what have I been doing?
Designing: a very secret design, and that's all I have to say here except that it is has been quite a challenge to get a design in tip-top shape for publishing. NO, I'm not in any magazine or book, but the design needed to be very very professional. I have learned so much from the process. But what a struggle. My hats off to folks who can just whip these things out. Me, I fight it all the way.
Not a secret project: The Fairy Wings Shawl is in test-knit mode, and is finally coming together. Thanks to Sonia (you know who you are) and her eagle eyes, and a whole flock of testers from the Wool2Dye4 group on Ravelry, I think my count is finally OK. So, next week I'll release the pattern. Just waiting for a couple more testers to give me their stitch counts and we're good to go. Yes, you've seen this before, but now I'm on the home stretch! Finally!

And what does a knitter do when she is perfecting patterns and needs a break from such pain and tribulation? She starts other projects, of course.
Same shawl, knit in Gina merino/silk for Miss P (she picked out the colors and she wants a shawl) and in Emily merino/silk lace.

And then, because I'm bored with my 2 current crochet projects but wanted to start another, here is the latest hooky project. A cuddly blanket for the couch I think. done on the diagonal and based on a charming design I saw on
Attic24. (Scroll down a bit to March 31). I'm thinking I need to add a couple more colors because I just like to do that.

And here's yarn, all wound up and ready to go for something, but what, I don't know. I'm guessing more shawls/scarves. I have a thing on them, in case you didn't notice.
Dyeing: I'm working on lace for one of Renee's amazing lace KALs, but not ready yet to show them to you. I love all but one of them, and that one just needs a bit of tweaking.
And because I seem to be in Granny crochet mode also, I dyed up some gorgeous SW merino DK yarn. I have 4 more skeins to dye, but am not yet sure what colors I want. Also, I'm not sure about the greens. I may have to tone them down, or not. I'm going to add a skein of undyed cream to the collection. Blurry pic taken in my 1950's bathroom color scheme, but you get the picture. (bad pun, not intended)

And that's it. I overslept this morning until 10:30, and I hate that, but I got in enough zzzzzzz's to make up for my insomnia. So I guess it's all OK.