Lookee here: http://beautifulknitting.wordpress.com/
This is Mountain Mom's blog, and it's knitty! Just take a look at how she lines up her colors to make really striping hats. Is this neat or what?
And, you have to check out her sock that was one of the killer socks on Sock Madness 2:

You have to admit that this is one beautiful sock!
No affiliation, of course. I just like to see a beautiful sock get it's due.
Speaking of neato blogs, have you looked at Carolyn's blog lately? After the neat meme, that I now need to do and pass on (oh, shake in your boots, ye bloggers!), go look at her weaving and her house and way down, her little bottle bags.
OK, the meme. First time I've been tagged and I feel as if I'm behind the reference desk again.
The intro, which I swiped from Carolyn's blog:
“The rules of the game get posted at the beginning. Each player answers the questions about themselves. At the end of the post, the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.”
1. What was I doing 10 years ago? Working as Head of Adult Services in a wonderful NJ library. Manning the reference desk, managing a small group of people in the circulation department (the BEST staff anyone could have), yelling at the useless middle school kids who descended upon us after school, etc.
2. What are 5 things on my to-do list for today? Laundry, visit DD in Riverdale, wind up some Penny sock yarn for dyeing, start second sock for my latest sock, watch Msterpiece Theater.
3. Snacks I enjoy: Potato chips (the bottom of the food pyramid), Jacques Torres chocolate, bananas, watermelon, popcorn, hot and iced tea.
4. Things I would do if I were a billionaire: Give chunks of serious money to our kids and siblings, donate scholarships to college to various high schools in middle class, as well as poor areas, give to synagogue, buy a bigger house with a studio, hire a chauffeur and personal chef.
5. Places I have lived: Bridgeport, CT, Stamford, CT, East Orange, NJ, Maplewood, NJ, and Morris County, NJ.
6. Jobs I have had: Librarian, school librarian, librarian. And now I dye yarn and design patterns.
7. Bloggers I am tagging who you will enjoy getting to know better: Hee hee! Told you bloggers to beware!:
5 people who I hope are good sports:
Knitti Vritti
Hey, even if they don't do the meme, check out their blogs. All most worthy of reading!
I Love New York sock club is the second entry down.
Holly - You're a trooper. You can blame Carolyn for this, and she can blame the person who sent it to her. Me, I'm just an innocent bystander.
Diana - I mixed your name up with a dear friend's spelling. Sorry about that. I'll change it on my blog listing also. I do enjoy your blog vry much.