Did you have a nice Thanksgiving? Are you doing the malls? Not us! We don't need gifts, and I neither want nor need anything at all and I hate crowds, so we are not going near a mall.
I was thinking about the difference between the winter holidays in my childhood, way back at the beginning of time. I am a war baby, so my take on the holidays is very different from baby boomers and you young 'uns.
When I was a kid, we never got Hanukkah presents. If we were lucky, someone gave us a shiny quarter for Hanukkah gelt (money). That was it. We lit the candles, said the prayers, sang the songs, and did not play dreidel (which is the world's stupidest game). All my friends were Christian, so I was invited to tree trimmings and such and was quite content with it. I don't ever remember feeling deprived. Jews had their holiday with its customs; Christians had their holiday with its customs. It was cool.
So along come my kids in the 70s, and I feel this need to do Hanukkah presents. Why? I'm not sure, but somewhere between the 1940's and the 1970's people began to think very differently about Hanukkah. Maybe it was all the ads on TV, but all of a sudden Jewish kids felt very deprived without all the presents, or at least their parents felt that they were deprived. So we turned this little holiday which is about religious freedom and fighting for that freedom into a marathon present giving opportunity. In short, folks, we got sucked into the present buying.
Stores are of course thrilled about more of the population buying presents, and kids love it, but I think we're nuts. Having said that, I belong into the "nuts" category, because I love giving presents to the grands. The daughters get gift certificates or cash, whichever they prefer, the little guys get gifts. (The Hubbo and I only exchange birthday presents, and that is usually a PayPal transfer.)
When my daughters were kids, we did the 8 gifts for 8 nights mishegoss (craziness). But they were small presents and I started buying them in the summer. The presents would all be wrapped up and put into 2 piles, one for each DD. First thing in the morning, they'd barrel downstairs and pick out a present, run back up the stairs, land in our bed and open the present. Lots of fun, and in the evening, we would light the candles, say the prayers, sing the songs badly and go outside to admire all those lovely lights. We pretty much kept the presents separate from the actual holiday observance and it worked out very well. I didn't go overboard and didn't get sucked into the latest and greatest junk. And they didn't much care.
I guess I'm grumping because I don't like seeing these two very divergent holidays getting mixed up with each other. Hanukkah is about fighting for the right to worship as we choose; Christmas is about the birth of the Christ Child. They are not the same animal, not even close. That's one side of the coin. The other side is that Jewish kids really do feel deprived and left out at Christmas time. So what to do? Turn Hanukkah into a present-giving holiday? The 8 nights makes it easy to do that. And it is hard on a kid to go to school and listen to everybody talk about what she/he wants for Christmas. You see my dilemma?
As it is, this whole present buying is lunacy. People getting trampled to death by crazy buyers? The pressure on everybody to give when their finances are not in the giving zone? The sheer amount of stuff that gets bought that nobody needs? And yet, this is the one season that retailers can get ahead and make a profit. So we need shopping and commercialism and such, and it really is nice to give and get gifts. But does it have to be at this level? Are people supposed to go into debt and spend the entire next year paying off their credit cards for toys that are discarded, or sweaters not worn, or gizmos that nobody needs or wants?
This is an annual rant of mine and I thought I'd share it with you. You do know that I have no solutions to any of this craziness, just babbling on here.
So, dear reader, any thoughts on the above? Have I lost my marbles? Am I not getting into the spirit of the holidays? Am I in danger of the "Bah Humbug" disease?
Feel free to agree or disagree, but nicely and politely. Tell me what you think. I'll answer in the next posting, and then you can respond to that, and this can go on until next December.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
The yarnarian is Zonked
Too much food! But we had a grand time with our dearest friends, the Mommie and elder DD.
The Hubbo is making turkey soup from all our bird leftovers and the house smells even better than it did yesterday.
What are we doing today? Not much, at least I'm not doing much. Knitting and reading and napping! Delicious!
The Hubbo is making turkey soup from all our bird leftovers and the house smells even better than it did yesterday.
What are we doing today? Not much, at least I'm not doing much. Knitting and reading and napping! Delicious!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
The Yarnarian Wishes You and Yours
Monday, November 24, 2008
ThemYarnarian Blathers On Again!
The Yarnarian wants to schmooze today about all sorts of divergent stuff. Just 'cause she feels like it. Schmooze: To converse casually
Thanksgiving - What are my plans this week? I have to get ready for my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. I love this holiday because there are no commercial or religious demands on us, no presents, no church/synagogue/mosque/temple/etc/etc services that are required. Nothing in fact that divides us. The only issues on Thanksgiving are the menu and the football games. In my house, we don't do football games. Nobody is really interested, and that's fine with me.
And the menu? Lots of the traditional stuff but always with variations. So this year's green beans will be made with mushrooms and sauteed onions, instead of last year's tomatoes. There's always a sweet potato mess, but a different one each year. This year, I'm doing maple syrup with it, or if I can't find the maple syrup, brown sugar. That's good too.
And for dessert, I've gotten ambitious and am making 3 different kinds of cookies.
So the usual hummus and veggies and crackers for appetizers. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potato mess, green bean mess, Judy's home-made cranberries, Hungarian cucumber salad, and then dessert.
Here's the thing about Thanksgiving: in the past when I had big crowds, I always had to deal with many allergies and diets. The worst year was the one when I had the following allergies: onions, nuts, soy, corn, honey, apples, peaches, apricots; and the following diets: low salt, low cholesterol, vegetarian. So having 6 people with only a few allergies is right up my alley. ;-)
What's on the needles? - A couple of scarves, the American Girl doll sweater, a sweater for moi, and assorted goodies that I've not photographed.

The sweater is from Just One More Row, and looks rather loud to me, but in the depths of winter or early spring, it'll be bright and cheery. It's in Baby Cashmerino, and I like working on this yarn.
The first scarf is an old Shetland lace pattern, Crest o' the Waves, in my hand-dyed Bambi yarn. It's very soft and cuddly and has wonderful drape.
The second scarf is from the new book by Elise Duvekot, the inside/outside scarf. I'm using Noro Silk Garden and cursing the twisty yarn. The scarf will look much better after a wash! Yeah, it looks pretty ugly in the picture, but is not that disgusting. It just needs a bath and a blocking.
And one more picture! Dianne of Creative Dyed sent me a skein of her Beaches Yarn, and the name of this colorway is "Ruth"! How neat is that! A scarf, I think. I'm not wasting this goody on my feet; I want people to see it!

I would love to show you all the beautiful yarns from my dyer friends, but that kind of works against my vast enterprise. giggle! I love their yarns and everyone has a different technique. Go look on Etsy. You can use hand dyed, sock yarn, hand painted as search terms. You will be amazed at the variety of yarns. If you gave 5 of us the same 3 colors, you would get 5 totally different skeins. Such fun! And not terribly expensive either.
More schmoozing next time!
Carolyn - Wouldn't that be fun? You and the husband would join us, and then you and Judy and I and Rachel and the Mommie would all talk about fiber and the guys would get this glazed look on their faces!
Thanksgiving - What are my plans this week? I have to get ready for my favorite holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. I love this holiday because there are no commercial or religious demands on us, no presents, no church/synagogue/mosque/temple/etc/etc services that are required. Nothing in fact that divides us. The only issues on Thanksgiving are the menu and the football games. In my house, we don't do football games. Nobody is really interested, and that's fine with me.
And the menu? Lots of the traditional stuff but always with variations. So this year's green beans will be made with mushrooms and sauteed onions, instead of last year's tomatoes. There's always a sweet potato mess, but a different one each year. This year, I'm doing maple syrup with it, or if I can't find the maple syrup, brown sugar. That's good too.
And for dessert, I've gotten ambitious and am making 3 different kinds of cookies.
So the usual hummus and veggies and crackers for appetizers. Turkey, stuffing, sweet potato mess, green bean mess, Judy's home-made cranberries, Hungarian cucumber salad, and then dessert.
Here's the thing about Thanksgiving: in the past when I had big crowds, I always had to deal with many allergies and diets. The worst year was the one when I had the following allergies: onions, nuts, soy, corn, honey, apples, peaches, apricots; and the following diets: low salt, low cholesterol, vegetarian. So having 6 people with only a few allergies is right up my alley. ;-)
What's on the needles? - A couple of scarves, the American Girl doll sweater, a sweater for moi, and assorted goodies that I've not photographed.

The sweater is from Just One More Row, and looks rather loud to me, but in the depths of winter or early spring, it'll be bright and cheery. It's in Baby Cashmerino, and I like working on this yarn.
The first scarf is an old Shetland lace pattern, Crest o' the Waves, in my hand-dyed Bambi yarn. It's very soft and cuddly and has wonderful drape.
The second scarf is from the new book by Elise Duvekot, the inside/outside scarf. I'm using Noro Silk Garden and cursing the twisty yarn. The scarf will look much better after a wash! Yeah, it looks pretty ugly in the picture, but is not that disgusting. It just needs a bath and a blocking.
And one more picture! Dianne of Creative Dyed sent me a skein of her Beaches Yarn, and the name of this colorway is "Ruth"! How neat is that! A scarf, I think. I'm not wasting this goody on my feet; I want people to see it!

I would love to show you all the beautiful yarns from my dyer friends, but that kind of works against my vast enterprise. giggle! I love their yarns and everyone has a different technique. Go look on Etsy. You can use hand dyed, sock yarn, hand painted as search terms. You will be amazed at the variety of yarns. If you gave 5 of us the same 3 colors, you would get 5 totally different skeins. Such fun! And not terribly expensive either.
More schmoozing next time!
Carolyn - Wouldn't that be fun? You and the husband would join us, and then you and Judy and I and Rachel and the Mommie would all talk about fiber and the guys would get this glazed look on their faces!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The Yarnarian Spins!
OK, she attempts to spin. Nope, I actually produced yarn. Blubby, thick-and-thin yarn, yarn I would never knit with because I like skinny yarns, but it really is yarn.
I took a 4 hour spinning class from "dragonflyducky", as she is known on Ravelry. So patient and nice and didn't howl with laughter. I have to take another class or two with her; clearly this is not a one-class activity for me.
She teaches on a Louet spinning wheel. Man, getting the foot to pedal in the right direction, drafting the yarn, adding new yarn - I'm basically klutzy, so this is a challenge for me. But I made yarn. Whoo hoo!
OK, sit down, stop drinking tea because you're going to snort it all over the keyboard, but here is my first attempt at spinning.

Look Ma, yarn!
And to reward myself for all my arduous labor, I went off to Coldwater Creek armed with a $30 off $100 coupon, and bought a pair of velvet pants to wear to a dinner dance, and a cute black fleecy pullover. And between the two of them and my coupon, I only spent $79.
I'm exhausted; I need to knit! Tee hee! I made yarn! I need to find a local spinning group!
Don't forget to vote in my yarn poll; I need feedback here.
moiraeknittoo - No, I don't own a wheel yet. I can practice on the wheel at the store for about $10/hour, which is very pricey, but may not be a bad solution. I have to explore other wheels too. Maybe go down to the Spinnery and check out what they have. I want to wait a bit until I buy, because what if I decided that this is not my thing. It was fun though. and I made Yarn!!
Carolyn - I had real doubts, but you told me I could, and I always believe you.
MaryAnn - I'm still pooped. All that tension that built up in my body has been slowly releasing. I'm not "energized" any more. BTW, I really do not like to knit on singles. And I'm not dyeing roving!
Skepweaver - I practiced treadling and practiced and practiced. It was so hard for me to get the wheel to go right. OK, so we finished spinning and then had to ply. So guess what, it was now OK to go left. Uh huh! Now the bloody wheel just wanted to go right. My yarn is a combo of S and Z spins. Told ya I made art yarn!
KV - Nah, I want a goat. They are such charming critters. Sheep are dumb.
Jen - My "yarn" is kinda cute in a clunky sort of way! ;-)
Sharon - I don't know if this shop sells wheels, but Judy can easily get me a Louet wheel if I want.
I took a 4 hour spinning class from "dragonflyducky", as she is known on Ravelry. So patient and nice and didn't howl with laughter. I have to take another class or two with her; clearly this is not a one-class activity for me.
She teaches on a Louet spinning wheel. Man, getting the foot to pedal in the right direction, drafting the yarn, adding new yarn - I'm basically klutzy, so this is a challenge for me. But I made yarn. Whoo hoo!
OK, sit down, stop drinking tea because you're going to snort it all over the keyboard, but here is my first attempt at spinning.

Look Ma, yarn!
And to reward myself for all my arduous labor, I went off to Coldwater Creek armed with a $30 off $100 coupon, and bought a pair of velvet pants to wear to a dinner dance, and a cute black fleecy pullover. And between the two of them and my coupon, I only spent $79.
I'm exhausted; I need to knit! Tee hee! I made yarn! I need to find a local spinning group!
Don't forget to vote in my yarn poll; I need feedback here.
moiraeknittoo - No, I don't own a wheel yet. I can practice on the wheel at the store for about $10/hour, which is very pricey, but may not be a bad solution. I have to explore other wheels too. Maybe go down to the Spinnery and check out what they have. I want to wait a bit until I buy, because what if I decided that this is not my thing. It was fun though. and I made Yarn!!
Carolyn - I had real doubts, but you told me I could, and I always believe you.
MaryAnn - I'm still pooped. All that tension that built up in my body has been slowly releasing. I'm not "energized" any more. BTW, I really do not like to knit on singles. And I'm not dyeing roving!
Skepweaver - I practiced treadling and practiced and practiced. It was so hard for me to get the wheel to go right. OK, so we finished spinning and then had to ply. So guess what, it was now OK to go left. Uh huh! Now the bloody wheel just wanted to go right. My yarn is a combo of S and Z spins. Told ya I made art yarn!
KV - Nah, I want a goat. They are such charming critters. Sheep are dumb.
Jen - My "yarn" is kinda cute in a clunky sort of way! ;-)
Sharon - I don't know if this shop sells wheels, but Judy can easily get me a Louet wheel if I want.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I have a source of some luxury sock yarns, some with a bit of cashmere, some with silk, etc. I'm guessing that the cost of a skein would run about $24-25. This is just a guess on my part at the moment.
Would you be interested in purchasing that kind of yarn? I have a poll posted over on the right.
I'm not sure I want to do this, and certainly not if I get a lukewarm response. The economy being what it is, these can get to be pricey yarns. Well, I think that $25/skein for sock yarn is pricey, but then I'm frugal, um, mingy, cheap, tightfisted. I'd use that kind of yarn for a scarf and not for my feet, but that's me talking here.
On the other hand, I love trying out new yarns.
What do you think? You can also post comments here; you know I read them.
moiraeknittoo - that's good feedback. the yarn is a bit pricey for me, so I don't want to go into it big time unless I think there's a market. I think it would be fun for me to try out some new yarns to dye.
skepweaver - I'm not sure I would use these elegant yarns for socks either. I'm more apt to make handwarming mitts or scarves or a tam.
Would you be interested in purchasing that kind of yarn? I have a poll posted over on the right.
I'm not sure I want to do this, and certainly not if I get a lukewarm response. The economy being what it is, these can get to be pricey yarns. Well, I think that $25/skein for sock yarn is pricey, but then I'm frugal, um, mingy, cheap, tightfisted. I'd use that kind of yarn for a scarf and not for my feet, but that's me talking here.
On the other hand, I love trying out new yarns.
What do you think? You can also post comments here; you know I read them.
moiraeknittoo - that's good feedback. the yarn is a bit pricey for me, so I don't want to go into it big time unless I think there's a market. I think it would be fun for me to try out some new yarns to dye.
skepweaver - I'm not sure I would use these elegant yarns for socks either. I'm more apt to make handwarming mitts or scarves or a tam.
Mystery Sock Clues
Clue #1: Sunday, October 26, 2008
Clue #2: Monday, November 3, 2008
Clue #3: Monday, November 10, 2008
Clue #4: Monday, November 17, 2008
How are you all doing? Post pics on Ravelry, please, please, please!
Jen - who isn't behind? Me, I've only had time to knit one sock. I'm starting to go into one sock only phase. Scary, no?
Clue #2: Monday, November 3, 2008
Clue #3: Monday, November 10, 2008
Clue #4: Monday, November 17, 2008
How are you all doing? Post pics on Ravelry, please, please, please!
Jen - who isn't behind? Me, I've only had time to knit one sock. I'm starting to go into one sock only phase. Scary, no?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mystery Sock - Clue #4
Here it is, the final clue! I was going to split this up and give you the last clue next week, but it makes no sense to do it that way.
Decision points for the instep:
1. Repeat the chart from last week's clue over and over until your foot is the right length.
2. Repeat only part of that chart.
3. Work in Stockinette.
So, go forth and knit the fourth clue!
Heel flap is worked on 30 sts on needle two.
At the end of needle two, turn work so that the wrong side is facing you.
Row 1. Sl 1 purlwise, purl to end of row.
Row 2. *Sl I purlwise, k1*. Repeat from * to end.
Repeat these two rows until 27 rows are completed. You are now on the right side of the heel flap.
Turn heel:
Note: Sl 1 = sl 1 purlwise
Row 1: (Right side) K 17, ssk, k1. Turn
Row 2: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 3: Sl 1, k6, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 4: Sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 5: Sl 1, k8, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 6: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 7: Sl 1, k10, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 8: Sl 1, p11, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 9: Sl 1, k12, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 10: Sl 1, p13, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 11: Sl 1, k14, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 12: Sl 1, p15, p2tog, p1. Turn. You will have 18 sts on your needle.
Heel Gusset:
As you work the gusset, you get another point to make a decision on the instep: Do you repeat the leg chart from last week over and over, do you repeat just part of it, do you work it in stockinette? I won’t tell you what I did because then you’ll do it, instead of making your own decision. And you know what? Now that I completed the sock, I’ve changed my mind and will redo the instep. That should keep you on your toes!
Work across the heel flap sts on Needle two. With the tip of Needle two, pick up 14 sts along the side of the heel.
Pick up a stitch from the row below the first instep stitch to prevent a hole: 15 stitches picked up.
Needle one: Work across the 30 instep stitches in pattern. From now on, the instep only will be worked in pattern.
The foot will be worked in stockinette. You will have 30 sts on needle one and 30 sts on needle two.
With the point of needle two, pick up a stitch from the row below the first heel st to prevent a hole.
Pick up 14 sts along the right side of the heel: 15 sts picked up. Place a marker half way across the foot sts. This will help you count your decreases accurately.
Work across the foot sts and the instep sts. You are now ready to begin decreasing for the gusset.
Shape Gusset:
Dec. round: At beginning of needle two (foot sts), k1, ssk, work to 3 sts before the end of needle two, k2tog, k1.
Work the instep in pattern. Do not decrease here.
Work the next round without decreases on the foot.
Continue to decrease on alternate rounds on the foot sts. Work until 30 sts on the foot remain.
Needle one: instep
Needle two: bottom of foot.
Continue working in rounds in until the sock is about 1.5 inches from the end.
Shape Toe
Round 1: On needle one, k1, ssk, knit until 3 sts before the end of the needle, k2tog, k1. Repeat on needle two.
Work the next round plain.
Work these 2 rounds until a total of 20 sts, remain. 10 stitches on each needle.
Holding needles one and two together, graft sts on them together using the Kitchener st.
Weave in ends on inside of sock.
Work the second sock.
Correction: Miz Annie pointed out to me that I put in a decrease where there wasn't meant to be one. Sigh, and piffle to me. It's all fixed!
Decision points for the instep:
1. Repeat the chart from last week's clue over and over until your foot is the right length.
2. Repeat only part of that chart.
3. Work in Stockinette.
So, go forth and knit the fourth clue!
Heel flap is worked on 30 sts on needle two.
At the end of needle two, turn work so that the wrong side is facing you.
Row 1. Sl 1 purlwise, purl to end of row.
Row 2. *Sl I purlwise, k1*. Repeat from * to end.
Repeat these two rows until 27 rows are completed. You are now on the right side of the heel flap.
Turn heel:
Note: Sl 1 = sl 1 purlwise
Row 1: (Right side) K 17, ssk, k1. Turn
Row 2: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 3: Sl 1, k6, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 4: Sl 1, p7, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 5: Sl 1, k8, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 6: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 7: Sl 1, k10, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 8: Sl 1, p11, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 9: Sl 1, k12, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 10: Sl 1, p13, p2tog, p1. Turn.
Row 11: Sl 1, k14, ssk, k1. Turn.
Row 12: Sl 1, p15, p2tog, p1. Turn. You will have 18 sts on your needle.
Heel Gusset:
As you work the gusset, you get another point to make a decision on the instep: Do you repeat the leg chart from last week over and over, do you repeat just part of it, do you work it in stockinette? I won’t tell you what I did because then you’ll do it, instead of making your own decision. And you know what? Now that I completed the sock, I’ve changed my mind and will redo the instep. That should keep you on your toes!
Work across the heel flap sts on Needle two. With the tip of Needle two, pick up 14 sts along the side of the heel.
Pick up a stitch from the row below the first instep stitch to prevent a hole: 15 stitches picked up.
Needle one: Work across the 30 instep stitches in pattern. From now on, the instep only will be worked in pattern.
The foot will be worked in stockinette. You will have 30 sts on needle one and 30 sts on needle two.
With the point of needle two, pick up a stitch from the row below the first heel st to prevent a hole.
Pick up 14 sts along the right side of the heel: 15 sts picked up. Place a marker half way across the foot sts. This will help you count your decreases accurately.
Work across the foot sts and the instep sts. You are now ready to begin decreasing for the gusset.
Shape Gusset:
Dec. round: At beginning of needle two (foot sts), k1, ssk, work to 3 sts before the end of needle two, k2tog, k1.
Work the instep in pattern. Do not decrease here.
Work the next round without decreases on the foot.
Continue to decrease on alternate rounds on the foot sts. Work until 30 sts on the foot remain.
Needle one: instep
Needle two: bottom of foot.
Continue working in rounds in until the sock is about 1.5 inches from the end.
Shape Toe
Round 1: On needle one, k1, ssk, knit until 3 sts before the end of the needle, k2tog, k1. Repeat on needle two.
Work the next round plain.
Work these 2 rounds until a total of 20 sts, remain. 10 stitches on each needle.
Holding needles one and two together, graft sts on them together using the Kitchener st.
Weave in ends on inside of sock.
Work the second sock.
Correction: Miz Annie pointed out to me that I put in a decrease where there wasn't meant to be one. Sigh, and piffle to me. It's all fixed!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Late Clue
Tomorrow's clue is going to be a bit late, not at midnight or thereabouts. Just got back from visiting 3 out of the 4 grands, and I'm fighting off a cold, and every one of the little munchkins felt it was his or her duty to cough on me.
Friday, November 14, 2008
The Yarnarian Blathers On!
Just in case you didn't notice, our economy is sliding downwards. And the effect on moi is that my sales are down, down, down. OK, it's not a tragedy. Thank goodness I don't need to earn my living dyeing yarn. So, going with the flow, I've decided to slow down also with my dyeing. NOT stop, for heaven's sake, just slow down. This is not a bad idea because it gives me the option of playing again.
And I'm playing with knitting. After all, this is how I got into the dyeing business; I dyed so much that I needed to sell some of it. So, back to my roots.
I'm having a wonderful time knitting these days. If my wonky left wrist would just not ache, I'd be knitting for hours at a time. Hey, so I knit less. So what!
And what exactly am I knitting? The mystery sock; a lovely new lace scarf, a couple of new scarves out of sock yarn, 2 sweaters for me, and a sweater for Miss P's doll.
I'm sure that I'm missing some projects. You know me: a bag for every project and a project for every bag.
But these are the guys I'm doing this week.
The cute scarf I just finished using the pattern for the Oct. Sock Club. The camera wants to foreshorten the pic,. The yarn is from my stash, Seacoast something or other. I put 4 garter stitches on either side of the pattern and the silly thing wants to fold along that line. Next time I won't do that.

New scarf from one of my yarns, Baby Breeze. The yarn was unloved by everyone but me, and I really like it, so I swiped it!

I'm using an old Shetland pattern and am doing 3 repeats of it, and only 1 garter stitch on either side, and I like that much better.
The sweater I resurrected from my pile. I think I started this last spring, got diverted and am back to doing it. Talk about mindless and pleasant! The pattern is the "Half Moon Bay Sweater" from Just One More Row, and I'm using Debbie Bliss yarn.

Here's what I can't show you:
The Mystery Sock. If I show you a pic of my sock, you'll want to knit just what I've done, and I want you to decide how you like the sock to look.
Evil woman that I am!
The lace scarf. I'm very seriously planning a 3 shipment lace scarf club. I have to work out the details, but this is the first one in the series. This is going to be lots of fun for me and a pleasant change from socks. I have to figure out pricing. I'm thinking Feb, June, Oct.
The other sweater: The February Lady Sweater, which is hurting my hands mightily. I'm just past the yoke, so I'm hoping that with a lot less stitches on the needle, that my wrists will stop protesting.
And I'm playing with knitting. After all, this is how I got into the dyeing business; I dyed so much that I needed to sell some of it. So, back to my roots.
I'm having a wonderful time knitting these days. If my wonky left wrist would just not ache, I'd be knitting for hours at a time. Hey, so I knit less. So what!
And what exactly am I knitting? The mystery sock; a lovely new lace scarf, a couple of new scarves out of sock yarn, 2 sweaters for me, and a sweater for Miss P's doll.
I'm sure that I'm missing some projects. You know me: a bag for every project and a project for every bag.
But these are the guys I'm doing this week.
The cute scarf I just finished using the pattern for the Oct. Sock Club. The camera wants to foreshorten the pic,. The yarn is from my stash, Seacoast something or other. I put 4 garter stitches on either side of the pattern and the silly thing wants to fold along that line. Next time I won't do that.

New scarf from one of my yarns, Baby Breeze. The yarn was unloved by everyone but me, and I really like it, so I swiped it!

I'm using an old Shetland pattern and am doing 3 repeats of it, and only 1 garter stitch on either side, and I like that much better.
The sweater I resurrected from my pile. I think I started this last spring, got diverted and am back to doing it. Talk about mindless and pleasant! The pattern is the "Half Moon Bay Sweater" from Just One More Row, and I'm using Debbie Bliss yarn.

Here's what I can't show you:
The Mystery Sock. If I show you a pic of my sock, you'll want to knit just what I've done, and I want you to decide how you like the sock to look.
Evil woman that I am!
The lace scarf. I'm very seriously planning a 3 shipment lace scarf club. I have to work out the details, but this is the first one in the series. This is going to be lots of fun for me and a pleasant change from socks. I have to figure out pricing. I'm thinking Feb, June, Oct.
The other sweater: The February Lady Sweater, which is hurting my hands mightily. I'm just past the yoke, so I'm hoping that with a lot less stitches on the needle, that my wrists will stop protesting.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
The Yarnarian Has a Thought!
I just had this idea about the mystery sock: you could stop right where you are before the heel and make a really cute pair of mitts out of this pattern. Don't ask me for a pattern because I had one and lost it, and I don't like knitting thumbs so I probably won't do this, but doesn't it look nice on your wrist and hand?
And that, my dears, is a real run-on sentence.
If I can find my pattern, I'll post it and you'll have a template for a mitt from a sock pattern.
Jen - I realized with my one mitt that mitts are the best part of socks (the legs) with no feet and with thumb openings. Now if I could find that pattern for the one half of the pr of mitts I was knitting.....
And that, my dears, is a real run-on sentence.
If I can find my pattern, I'll post it and you'll have a template for a mitt from a sock pattern.
Jen - I realized with my one mitt that mitts are the best part of socks (the legs) with no feet and with thumb openings. Now if I could find that pattern for the one half of the pr of mitts I was knitting.....
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mystery sock - Third Clue
Here it is: the third clue!
After you have finished that last week's leg part, go to this new chart and follow it. You should end after knitting round 28. That's a good place to end before the heel.
So, here's the chart followed by the instructions.

Don't forget to click on the pics to make them larger.
Now, STOP! Try it on. Does it feel comfortable? Can you get it over your heel easily?
Decision time: Try it on. Turn it so that the 2 cluster cables are in the front and in the back and the new design is on the side. Do you like this better than the other way? You get to decide which is the front and back and which is the side.
But you have a week until the heel begins, so you can turn that sock around and around. Bring it down to your foot. Which part do you prefer on your foot?
And just to throw in another option or two, if you don't like the leg pattern at all, but love the ribbing, you can do that for your entire pattern.
I'll give you more options as the sock continues. This is your sock, knitted the way you like. Isn't it fun?
Questions? Ask here or on the PennyRoses Forum on Ravelry. And if you still haven't joined Ravelry, what are you waiting for. Go, join.
How are you all doing with the sock? Made any decisions about sides and fronts and backs?
After you have finished that last week's leg part, go to this new chart and follow it. You should end after knitting round 28. That's a good place to end before the heel.
So, here's the chart followed by the instructions.

Don't forget to click on the pics to make them larger.
Now, STOP! Try it on. Does it feel comfortable? Can you get it over your heel easily?
Decision time: Try it on. Turn it so that the 2 cluster cables are in the front and in the back and the new design is on the side. Do you like this better than the other way? You get to decide which is the front and back and which is the side.
But you have a week until the heel begins, so you can turn that sock around and around. Bring it down to your foot. Which part do you prefer on your foot?
And just to throw in another option or two, if you don't like the leg pattern at all, but love the ribbing, you can do that for your entire pattern.
I'll give you more options as the sock continues. This is your sock, knitted the way you like. Isn't it fun?
Questions? Ask here or on the PennyRoses Forum on Ravelry. And if you still haven't joined Ravelry, what are you waiting for. Go, join.
How are you all doing with the sock? Made any decisions about sides and fronts and backs?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Mystery Sock Clues
For those of you trying to navigate through all my verbiage and postings, here are the dates of the clues so far. You may have to scroll down to "older posts".
Clue #1: Sunday, October 26, 2008
Clue #2: Monday, November 3, 2008.
Please post pics on Ravelry as you go along; I'm nosy and want to see how you all are doing!
Clue #1: Sunday, October 26, 2008
Clue #2: Monday, November 3, 2008.
Please post pics on Ravelry as you go along; I'm nosy and want to see how you all are doing!
The Yarnarian Announces a Brand New Sock Club!
Ta Da!
A brand new sock club for you and yours: The Colors of PennyRose Sock Club!
3 shipments: mid-Jan, mid-March, mid-May.
3 different dyeing techniques, each one different and with your color input.
3 old patterns, just put in so that you have a neat way of making your socks with these dyeing techniques.
Total cost (including shipping): $85 to the US for Priority Shipping, and to everywhere else for first class international shipping with the patterns emailed to you in PDF form. Shipping out of the country goes by weight, so this will save you the extra shipping cost.
Lots more info on the PennyRose Sock Club blog.
Interested? Please email me at pennyrosesockclub AT yahoo DOT com
A brand new sock club for you and yours: The Colors of PennyRose Sock Club!
3 shipments: mid-Jan, mid-March, mid-May.
3 different dyeing techniques, each one different and with your color input.
3 old patterns, just put in so that you have a neat way of making your socks with these dyeing techniques.
Total cost (including shipping): $85 to the US for Priority Shipping, and to everywhere else for first class international shipping with the patterns emailed to you in PDF form. Shipping out of the country goes by weight, so this will save you the extra shipping cost.
Lots more info on the PennyRose Sock Club blog.
Interested? Please email me at pennyrosesockclub AT yahoo DOT com
I'm so proud of my country this morning. We elected a president and we did it without bloodshed. Not every country can say this.
We got passed the race issue, and not every country can say this.
We had a gracious concession speech from the loser, and not every country can say this.
We have come together as a united states, and not every country can say this.
We will have a peaceful change of administration, and not every country can say this.
We have engaged the voters from all ages, all religions, all races and ethnic origins, and not every country can say this.
Yesterday we triumphed over negativity, and not every country can say this.
I'm not a jingoist; I don't wave flags; I criticize our government left and right; but today I am so proud to be a citizen of the United States.
Today we begin to blur those contentious lines; we finally move past skin color; we respect the other person's opinions, and we are growing up! Maybe, just maybe, we are past adolescence and moving into a sense of maturity.
Congratulations America! You did it.
And now I don't have to write about politics for a very long time. I hope.
And sock clue # 2 is down below on Mon, Nov. 3. Hey this is fun stuff.
Can you believe that this cranky curmudgeon just wrote this? But I mean it.
We got passed the race issue, and not every country can say this.
We had a gracious concession speech from the loser, and not every country can say this.
We have come together as a united states, and not every country can say this.
We will have a peaceful change of administration, and not every country can say this.
We have engaged the voters from all ages, all religions, all races and ethnic origins, and not every country can say this.
Yesterday we triumphed over negativity, and not every country can say this.
I'm not a jingoist; I don't wave flags; I criticize our government left and right; but today I am so proud to be a citizen of the United States.
Today we begin to blur those contentious lines; we finally move past skin color; we respect the other person's opinions, and we are growing up! Maybe, just maybe, we are past adolescence and moving into a sense of maturity.
Congratulations America! You did it.
And now I don't have to write about politics for a very long time. I hope.
And sock clue # 2 is down below on Mon, Nov. 3. Hey this is fun stuff.
Can you believe that this cranky curmudgeon just wrote this? But I mean it.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Birthday to the Mommie!
Mystery Sock Clue #2 posted below.
We interrupt all the lovely socking going on around here to announce that today is the Mommie's 94th birthday!
Yay, the Mommie!
We celebrated her birthday on Sunday at my sister's house. All the kids were there except for the Minnesota crowd. It was lovely. My sister now lives in my mom's house, and has made a few changes here and there but it's still very much as my mother left it.
I was kind of nervous about the Mommie's reaction to going to "her" house, and she was too. She told me she was afraid she would cry, but she didn't. She said it was a treat, and she had such a wonderful day.
We ate and laughed and talked nonstop the way the family did when we were kids: 8 people all talking loudly and at the same time. At least 4 conversations going on simultaneeously, and everyone knowing what anyone else was talking about and jumping into the middle of other conversations. In short, the family chaos. I loved every minute of it. When we were kids, we'd go to our grandparents every Saturday. There would always be company there. And we'd have Jause (an Austrian custom of coffee and eats in the afternoon), and everyone would argue about politics and such.
When we brought the Mommie back home, she told me that if I have an old age like her old age, I'll be a very lucky woman. She feels very loved. I have tears in my eyes as I'm typing this. Whadda woman she is!
shortoldlady - Thanks for the Mommie b-day wishes. She's the Mommie!
We interrupt all the lovely socking going on around here to announce that today is the Mommie's 94th birthday!
Yay, the Mommie!
We celebrated her birthday on Sunday at my sister's house. All the kids were there except for the Minnesota crowd. It was lovely. My sister now lives in my mom's house, and has made a few changes here and there but it's still very much as my mother left it.
I was kind of nervous about the Mommie's reaction to going to "her" house, and she was too. She told me she was afraid she would cry, but she didn't. She said it was a treat, and she had such a wonderful day.
We ate and laughed and talked nonstop the way the family did when we were kids: 8 people all talking loudly and at the same time. At least 4 conversations going on simultaneeously, and everyone knowing what anyone else was talking about and jumping into the middle of other conversations. In short, the family chaos. I loved every minute of it. When we were kids, we'd go to our grandparents every Saturday. There would always be company there. And we'd have Jause (an Austrian custom of coffee and eats in the afternoon), and everyone would argue about politics and such.
When we brought the Mommie back home, she told me that if I have an old age like her old age, I'll be a very lucky woman. She feels very loved. I have tears in my eyes as I'm typing this. Whadda woman she is!
shortoldlady - Thanks for the Mommie b-day wishes. She's the Mommie!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Mystery Sock - Second Clue
Ta Da! Here's the second clue!
Chart posted is now the correct one. That'll teach me to post charts at 2 AM. Thank you, Mizannie, for pointing it out to me.
Leg: Begin the leg and work in pattern. The leg has 2 parts to it, so stop when you get to the end of the chart!

Written instructions:

Mizannieknits pointed out to me that there is a mistake on the beginning of the chart. It's now fixed, I hope. Mizannie is the most awesome stitch lady going. Go buy her books! She's brilliant. You can get them here. Look under Annie Maloney. This is a brilliant mind at work here, and a very nice lady to boot!
To get a chart that you can actually read instead of this teensy weensy one, click on it, and then print it.
Ria - Nah, don't get scared. It's a fun sock and I've broken it down in stages. You might want to make a decision next week, but you don't have to.
Remember, it's your sock.
Chart posted is now the correct one. That'll teach me to post charts at 2 AM. Thank you, Mizannie, for pointing it out to me.
Leg: Begin the leg and work in pattern. The leg has 2 parts to it, so stop when you get to the end of the chart!

Written instructions:

Mizannieknits pointed out to me that there is a mistake on the beginning of the chart. It's now fixed, I hope. Mizannie is the most awesome stitch lady going. Go buy her books! She's brilliant. You can get them here. Look under Annie Maloney. This is a brilliant mind at work here, and a very nice lady to boot!
To get a chart that you can actually read instead of this teensy weensy one, click on it, and then print it.
Ria - Nah, don't get scared. It's a fun sock and I've broken it down in stages. You might want to make a decision next week, but you don't have to.
Remember, it's your sock.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Yarnarian Wants You To Fudge!
Here's sort of a ruth philosophy on sock knitting (or most knitting for that matter).
In the general scheme of knitting things, there are 2 kinds of knitters: those that follow directions exactly word for word, and those that fudge. I'm of the fudge sort; if I can correct a mistake without making it noticeable, then I fudge.
For anyone knitting my socks: listen up! I design these socks for my slender legs and feet, and I always need a reality check when it comes to fit, 'cause I always assume that everyone has the same dimensions as I do. I suspect that that is not the case.
But you have control over the socks at all times. For one thing, try on as you go along. Now a try-on after you've finished the ribbing will tell you exactly one thing at the moment: can you get it over your heel and around your leg. That's all it's going to tell you. As you work further down any sock, keep trying on. Remember that you've probably cast on over 2 needles (or should have), and that ribbing is stretchy. Once you get into the pattern, the stretch is not always the same as the rib. So you have to keep trying on.
If the sock so far is hugging your leg very tightly, it may not get over your heel as you progress downward, and you don't want to knit a tourniquet here. So, think about going up a needle size or more, especially if you're a tight knitter. I knit very very loosely, so again keep that in mind. If I'm using a size 0 on the socks (which is what I'm doing with the mystery ones), it's not because I want to knit a cast-iron sock; it's because the sock would be way too big for me if I knit on 2.5mm needles.
But you can change needle size as you go along. As long as the sock looks nice, and fits well, who cares what size needle you're using. You can even go up for just a section of the sock, or if you want a nice tight fit on the foot, go down a size. You're the mistress of the needles.
Oh, and I've been known to accidentally use 2 different size circular needles. And in my dpn days, I was always misplacing a needle and so went up or down for one of the needles. Yeah, this is all heresy in knitting circles, but it works.
And if you follow anyone's pattern and make a mistake at the same place every round, but you like it, don't frog it. It's now a new design.
If you need an example of my lazy knitting, consider this: on the mystery sock, I accidentally decreased the foot part 2 stitches too many, and also managed to knit the foot with a smaller needle. I did make the necessary adjustment when it came time to work the toe (which is where I discovered my goof), but the sock fits well, looks fine. Was I going to frog and entire foot and instep? Hah! I don't like working that part of the sock, so nope, it is what it is, and guess what? It fits just fine. Just encouraging you to not follow directions sometimes, or not to frog if you've done a silly mistake.
Yes, yes, I know that I post gauge. My gauge for my sock for my narrow foot and leg. If you have wide feet, you may prefer a looser gauge, otherwise the sock will cut off all circulation and you'll develop gangrene, and then they'll have to amputate your foot, and then you won't be able to run the marathon, and you'll have lots of PT and your medical bills will be high! It's better to have slightly looser gauge than gangrene, IMHO! And, if you notice, many of my charts have a combo of k1,p1,k1 on the sides. Nobody is going to care if you do k2,p1,k2 or whatever you need to make the thing fit. Just be aware that if you fool around with adding stitches, that you'll have to make a bit of an adjustment when it comes to turning the heel. but you can do it, because you are a Sock Mistress!
Knitting perfectionists will probably lob something at me, but that's their issue.
On lace, I do not fudge because it's noticeable, but on socks, especially the foot? Piffle.
In the general scheme of knitting things, there are 2 kinds of knitters: those that follow directions exactly word for word, and those that fudge. I'm of the fudge sort; if I can correct a mistake without making it noticeable, then I fudge.
For anyone knitting my socks: listen up! I design these socks for my slender legs and feet, and I always need a reality check when it comes to fit, 'cause I always assume that everyone has the same dimensions as I do. I suspect that that is not the case.
But you have control over the socks at all times. For one thing, try on as you go along. Now a try-on after you've finished the ribbing will tell you exactly one thing at the moment: can you get it over your heel and around your leg. That's all it's going to tell you. As you work further down any sock, keep trying on. Remember that you've probably cast on over 2 needles (or should have), and that ribbing is stretchy. Once you get into the pattern, the stretch is not always the same as the rib. So you have to keep trying on.
If the sock so far is hugging your leg very tightly, it may not get over your heel as you progress downward, and you don't want to knit a tourniquet here. So, think about going up a needle size or more, especially if you're a tight knitter. I knit very very loosely, so again keep that in mind. If I'm using a size 0 on the socks (which is what I'm doing with the mystery ones), it's not because I want to knit a cast-iron sock; it's because the sock would be way too big for me if I knit on 2.5mm needles.
But you can change needle size as you go along. As long as the sock looks nice, and fits well, who cares what size needle you're using. You can even go up for just a section of the sock, or if you want a nice tight fit on the foot, go down a size. You're the mistress of the needles.
Oh, and I've been known to accidentally use 2 different size circular needles. And in my dpn days, I was always misplacing a needle and so went up or down for one of the needles. Yeah, this is all heresy in knitting circles, but it works.
And if you follow anyone's pattern and make a mistake at the same place every round, but you like it, don't frog it. It's now a new design.
If you need an example of my lazy knitting, consider this: on the mystery sock, I accidentally decreased the foot part 2 stitches too many, and also managed to knit the foot with a smaller needle. I did make the necessary adjustment when it came time to work the toe (which is where I discovered my goof), but the sock fits well, looks fine. Was I going to frog and entire foot and instep? Hah! I don't like working that part of the sock, so nope, it is what it is, and guess what? It fits just fine. Just encouraging you to not follow directions sometimes, or not to frog if you've done a silly mistake.
Yes, yes, I know that I post gauge. My gauge for my sock for my narrow foot and leg. If you have wide feet, you may prefer a looser gauge, otherwise the sock will cut off all circulation and you'll develop gangrene, and then they'll have to amputate your foot, and then you won't be able to run the marathon, and you'll have lots of PT and your medical bills will be high! It's better to have slightly looser gauge than gangrene, IMHO! And, if you notice, many of my charts have a combo of k1,p1,k1 on the sides. Nobody is going to care if you do k2,p1,k2 or whatever you need to make the thing fit. Just be aware that if you fool around with adding stitches, that you'll have to make a bit of an adjustment when it comes to turning the heel. but you can do it, because you are a Sock Mistress!
Knitting perfectionists will probably lob something at me, but that's their issue.
On lace, I do not fudge because it's noticeable, but on socks, especially the foot? Piffle.
The Yarnarian Might Possible Do NaKniSweMo.
Or not. Depends on her fussy wrists. What is NaKniSweMo? National Knit a Sweater Month, or something of that sort. The last sweater I knitted for myself is at least 4 years old. Do ya think maybe I could do a new one? I have yarn for lots of sweaters, and my latest purchases were a bunch of glorious Harrisville Shetlands (not the real stuff, of course, but pretty nontheless), and a bunch of Debbie Bliss yarn that I got at the Stitching Bee. Both sets of yarns are fairly light weight, so shouldn't give the wrists trouble. It would be nice to have a new sweater; mine are from before the flood.
I've had to put the February Lady Sweater on temporary hold; worsted and my wrists are not talking to each other, but the yarn is so pretty. Well, we'll see.
I'm going to come up with something here, maybe, possibly, perhaps.
KV - I'm really trying to get into the mood for this sweater, but it's just eluding me. Piffle.
I've had to put the February Lady Sweater on temporary hold; worsted and my wrists are not talking to each other, but the yarn is so pretty. Well, we'll see.
I'm going to come up with something here, maybe, possibly, perhaps.
KV - I'm really trying to get into the mood for this sweater, but it's just eluding me. Piffle.
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