It's been a while since I've blogged, but sometimes a girl gets busy. So, yuchy news first: We went out with our dearest friends for dinner at one of our favorite Indian restaurants, and I ordered chicken korma, which I've had many times before. Um, maybe not a great idea. My poor little tummy has been not happy since. I don't know if it was too rich for me, or something in it didn't agree with me, but there you have it. So it will be a while before I venture into korma-land again. Bummer, because I love kormas. I'm on the mend, but the old tum is still growling at me.
OK, got the kvetch out of my system. Kvetch = complaining, grousing, grumping, whining. A good word to know. And you pronounce that k and v together. Good lip exercise.
Flower Fairies Sock Club news: We are really full, more folks than I've ever had. YarnYenta and I are quite excited about this. So, this is the final call: Sign up between today and Wed, and then we are closed! Gotta have time to do the dyeing, and you know that I do skeins individually, so I really need time. Info is here and you can purchase on Etsy.
Speaking of Etsy, they may finally make it easy to switch the name of the shop and I can hopefully become just plain PennyRose Yarns. But not yet. You still have to do the "fritzl" thing. Fritzl is my poor little defunct kitty. Don't even ask why he's my contact name on Etsy.
Pattern news: Test knitters are happily (I hope) working away on the Garland Shawl pattern.

I've been learning a new charting program, Intwined Studio, and I love it! I'm not a geeky person; nothing on the computer ever comes easily to me. I have to struggle with it all. But this wonderful new program is working its way through my brain, and it is really great! I can do my charting, document writing, and then making it all a PDF in the same program. I believe the program becomes available on Wednesday, so if you want to do your own patterns, check it out. Reasonable too. We have a winner here. And I did the pattern for the Garland Shawl in it.
Knitting News: I finished another little shawl, which I'm thinking of calling Fairy Dots because I can't think of another name. If you have one, let me know; Fairy Dots is kind of lame, but that's all that came to mind. I must have Fairies on the brain.

The pattern has to be written up and then test knit, so it will be a little while before it's ready.
I think I might be shawled out. I'm not sure what to knit next. It would be nice if I finished the 2 sweaters on the needles. I'm still plugging away on the 2 blankies. Finished the socks for elder DD, and still have 3 pairs left to do for her, but I don't feel like working on any of them. Maybe I'll thumb through my pattern books and find something that calls to me and then build a project around it. Or, maybe do a real lace shawl, a large one to swoop around me. The thing is that I have lots of these that I've designed and I'm not wearing any of them. They are beautiful and are just sitting in a cupboard waiting for me. Nothing is tempting me in the slightest, and I hate this. I love to zip from one project to the next full of excitement. Not to worry, all of a sudden I'll get motivated and then off I'll go.
baby face - Unfortunately none of my shawls are warm. The big lacy jobbies are out of very skinny lace yarn with big holes and wouldn't keep a cat warm, let alone a person. I do let my kids pick from the pile every now and then, 'cause I'm a good mother, and I'll wear them in spring or summer when I need just a bit of something to combat the AC. I'm glad you like my blog.
Angelika - As soon as Garland has been test knit and I've made the corrections, I'll have the pattern for sale both on Ravelry and in my Etsy shop. The second one, which still needs a good name, has to be written up and then test knit. So, in a few weeks, I hope.
=Tamar - That's a good name. A lot better than Fairy Dots!
Your shawls are very pretty. Instead of leaving them lay without wearing them, maybe you
can gift them to someone who really needs one to keep warm in
the winter. I know it would be
appreciated. Then make a spectactular one for yourself. Love your blog.
I like your garter stitch shawls, esp. the garland and the new one. When will the patterns be available in your shop?
The Fairy Dots shawl looks a lot like Maple Seeds to me - the ones with the whirligig wings.
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