This is going to be a chatty post, full of yarn, plugs, secrets, what-have-you. It has to last you for a week because I'm off to Minnesota for a few days of kid and grandkid doting. Miss P and I rule.
So, yarn first. Here's what I dyed up yesterday. Lace yarn, all 100% merino lace with over 1200 yards: Springtime, Orange and Magenta.

Isn't that orange wild? I love it; it's in your face orange tempered with a little bit of brown.
Springtime is the first really variegated lace yarn I've dyed. I think it will work well on the right kind of shawl. And if it's too scary for the world, I'll either overdye it or steal it for myself. It's that pretty
Magenta is magenta, and almost solid and really gorgeous! What a change from my usual pastels!
Here are the sock yarns I did: Minuet, Love Me, Cha Cha and Wood Grain.

This was supposed to be a red dyeing day. NOT, don't even ask how I get from red to these colors. I swear the dye does what it wants; I have no control!
All these treasures will be listed during next week on
Etsy. Yup, I'll be away, but you can order and I'll mail out when I come home.
By the way, did you ever wonder how Fritzl came to be my Etsy monniker? When I first registered on Etsy, I was a buyer, and I became Fritzl in honor of my poor little cat who had died. Then I became a seller, and it was just too complex to change everything around. So now on Etsy, I'm Fritzl Presents PennyRose Yarn. ;-)
Plugs:: As you know, I'm a member of the Fiber Baristas and we are a consortium of dyers, both fiber and yarn, and some of us spin also. Alas, not me. Not at this busy stage of my life. But there are serious spinners and fiber dyers in the group, and I can buy already handspun yarn! Hee hee!
Look what I bought recently from
Whimsy Pinzy: Sport weight and beyond gorgeous!

And if you go to her blog, you'll see an announcement for a really neat sock club she's starting.
Natalie. who hails from the UK, is involved with a wonderful charity,
p-hop Go take a look at what they are doing to aid Medecins Sans Frontieres;
"P/hop is a fundraising knitting project for the humanitarian medical aid organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres
Over the coming months, several generous designers will be donating free knitting patterns to the MSF p/hop project. These patterns will be available to download here and on other knitting blogs and websites such as ravelry.
P/hop stands for pennies per hour of pleasure. The idea of p/hop is to donate based how many hours of pleasure you got from knitting your free pattern. There is no set price for a pattern; you can donate 50p or £50. It’s entirely up to you!"
More plugs as I go on. I don't want to overwhelm you in this way-too-long post!
If you want to know what other Baristas are doing, click on the Fiber Barista Ring over on the right. Lots of things are going on with our members, and I'll try to post them as I go along. What is so lovely about this group, other than everyone here is wonderful, is that we are all competing with each other in our sales, and yet we support each other and have become close friends.
On the needles: my new sock pattern, Ahava (which means love). It's almost ready to be written up. I have enjoyed knitting this more than any other sock in the last few of months. It just flows:

And one last picture as a teaser: My new mystery project, to be revealed sometime in the future. And, no, it's not a scarf!

AND THAT'S IT! (long enough to last a week?)
Ria - Want me to reserve them for you?Jo - as if I'm going to have time to knit those socks! Not with Miss P! These are not the parents of the new baby. That family lives in Brooklyn, NY. Nope, this is the Minnesota crowd. We have them all over the country.