Daily Chum is featuring my yarns today! I'm pretty excited about it, as you can tell.
I dyed up a batch of new yarns just for this occasion. I like them all, no modesty here, but 2 in particular are my favorites: City Socks and Rainbow Green.
I started the Rainbow series a couple of weeks ago. I pick a beginning color, and then I work around the color wheel and meet up at the end. Everything blends into each other so that you get lots of color happening. I mix the colors as I go along. It's very labor intensive because all the colors need to blend seamlessly, but so fascinating to dye. I made myself a pair of socks out of a rainbow blend, and I love them. Here's a picture of Rainbow Green before reskeining and afterwards.

City Socks was a neat experiment,totally out of my comfort range, and I like the process so much that I'll use it again (if the yarn sells). I first wrapped parts of the skein with ties made from plastic bags. Then I dyed the entire skein in black. Afterwards I removed the ties, and dunked those spots into red, yellow, and blue. In the dunking process, lots of the black also got colored, and so now the skein is black with areas of reddish black, etc. and the tied areas are bright with color. It's pretty neat.