Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Yarnarian Needs a Day Off!

And tomorrow is it! I've been dyeing like a crazy person because I need to stockpile some yarn, and now I'm pooped.

So, ta da, tomorrow I'm taking off. Isn't that nice? The joys of having your own business in your home. I can play at being retired. I think I'll go to the library, the Stitching Bee (my very favorite LYS!!!), Whole Foods. Whatever. OK, this is pathetic sounding, but futzing around is just what I want to do.

A group of independent dyers, including me, got together and put in an ad in the Stitches Midwest brochure, the one that's given out at the door. Such excitement. Some real hotshots here, ladies and gentlemen, and little shot Moi! So, since I am a low volume dyer, and it takes me quite a while to dye up each skein, I'm stock piling yarn for the Stitches moment.

Saturday, the Hubbo and I took a field trip to Harney's Teas in Millerton, New York. I refilled some of my used-up tins, and bought a very expensive oolong. Boy is this tea delicious! Lovely pale pinkish color, and what a taste. I'm really a black tea person. Give me fermentation. But this oolong is wonderful. And I can brew it twice, so the price is not all that horrid.

Another wonderful oolong from them is Da Hong Pao! Not cheap either, but again, 2 cups from the same tea, so pretty good. Hey, I can justify almost anything! Hee Hee!

Project Bags! Look at what I found in Millbrook, NY on the way to Harney's. It's reversible and cute as can be.

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