Sunday, December 16, 2007

I sleep with a radiator!

I do, I really do. The Hubbo is a human radiator! The man gives off more heat than you can imagine. I go to bed later than he does, and when I climb in, I snorkel up to him to get all that residual heat. You can feel the heat 2 inches away from his body. This is stupendous in winter. Between the flannel effect and the Hubbo, I sleep in a warm, cozy nest.

Half of him is under the covers, and the other half is on top. I can't figure this out. Does this somehow equalize the heat effect?

Me, I cocoon in a tiny spot with my feet (in woolly socks of course) tucked into my flannel nightie, and then wrapped up in those flannel sheets and under the flannel-wrapped down comforter. This is great until the bathroom calls. You try to get yourself out of this cave at a reasonable speed. The velcro, the cocoon, the tootsies tucked in: arrgh. So I say to myself: "Self, you've gotta go." And I answer myself: "Yeah, so? How are you ever going to extricate yourself from the bed straightjacket?" Eventually, with much moaning and groaning, I get up, do my thing, and then futz on the computer. The radiator, on the other hand, just rolls out of bed. What's wrong with this picture?

I'm about to write up a freebie sock pattern. How come it's so much easier to knit the sock than to write about it?

I just got finished dyeing 4 skeins of yarn: 2 for Best Friend for a shawl, and 2 for etsy sale. Not much is going on in my etsy world this month. Folks are so busy with holiday stuff, that we smaller indie dyers can nap around now. I figured that December would be very slow, and I'm hoping that January will pick up. Online retail is fascinating for me, given that I worked my entire career in a public library. At any rate, I'm happily dyeing some neat stuff, and I'll post it probably after Christmas, unless someone screams to see the yarns. If you scream, I'll post.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Ohh, flannel!

Yeah, December has been pretty slow for me too. I haven't sold anything on Etsy this month. I think next month will be better. Or wait, I think February will be better because all the people all the New Years Resolution yarn diets will start cheating! :)


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