Monday, December 29, 2008

The Yarnarian Checks In.

just a quickie: you all seem to like Snow White herself, and I only have one of her. Ya think I should quick invent a couple of others?

Gotta dye up the Wicked Stepmother. And an apple, and maybe one of the 7 dorks.

The verdict is in: I'll do some more Snow Whites tomorrow. They won't be exactly like the first one, 'cause I never write anything down. But they'll be equally pretty, and I do know which dyes I used and the base yarn.

Wickie Stepmom has black hair, white skin, and royal purple because she is the queen.

The apple, which I like a lot, is reds with a touch of yellow and green. And I also have one of the 7 little guys.

I started dyeing up The Little Mermaid, and I have a really wild lobster.

Good thing I just checked this because I'm about to prepare my yarns for tomorrow's dyeing.

I'm having so much fun dyeing towards a theme.


Ria said...

Oh I definitely want a snow white! I'll buy it as soon as you say it's on your etsy site. what will the wicked stepmother look like? I may get one of each.

Bev said...

Wicked Stepmother sounds like another fav you better get back to your dye pot. Cause I think I gotta have that one too.


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