Friday, December 19, 2008

The Yarnarian Sings:

Oh the weather outside is frightful,
But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Ahem, it is snowing. Lots of lovely, white fluffy snow and I don't have to drive in it. Yes! And the Hubbo got sent home very early. So this is all good.

I just took these pics outside on my front stoop.

And these in my living room:

What's that you say? There are flowers in the fireplace? They're not burning? Is this some sort of miracle?

Nah, we have a fake fireplace lighting device. It looks like the logs are burning, but all it's doing is lighting them. And the flowers are fake. So the entire thing is a fake. Ha ha, I faked you out.

This is what happens when you are married to the Hubbo: strange and wondrous devices. (This is the man who calls an apron a "protective device."

Off to drink my tea.

Ria - I love snow as long as I'm on the inside watching it. I don't even mind a walk in the evening on fresh snow, but I want it all to go away the next day. ;-)

Carolyn - Ours is just a noisy fan and color, no heat at all. But it looks pretty, and the living room is the warmest room in the house, so sometimes it feels like the fireplace is working.

I'd love a gas fireplace, but the deck and patio have to come first. Maybe even next summer provided our finances are good and I earn a bit of money.

I'm already disenchanted with the snow. I think snow should arrive, look pretty and then disappear the next day. Hah!


Ria said...

I left work at 11 (sad to say, that's only an hour early) so I've been drinking coffee watching the snow.

Anonymous said...

Pretty, but I'm glad the snow is yours and not mine. :P
I love "fake" fireplaces. We bought a portable one for Phillip when he was in college. They can put out the heat.


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