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Yeah, I know. She's going to make us look at boring vacation pictures, but surprise, these are not the same old, same old. We walk over the bogs on wooden planks, see a mini Cape Cod Stonehenge, and wait until you see the beach and sand pics! I was looking at this from a knitter's point of view, and even Hubbo got into the fascinating sand arrangements left by the water.
First the bogs: As you are walking over those planks, you can see the water bubbling up.

Now the long, long path to the beach: There are places on this walk where you have to climb down some narrow rocks. I'm so klutzy that I always need Hubbo to give me a hand!

Cape Henge! A mini stone henge off the path. Cute, no?

Down to the actual beach.

And now, what you've been waiting for: pictures of the sand after the tide has gone out. This is the real thing. The wave patterns are fascinating.

And duck foot prints because they were so cute. There was an entire covention of ducks right on the water's edge.

Emily, Skepweaver, and Sharon: Emily - It was just a lovely vacation. Sharon - feel free to use my pictures. Skepweaver - I just read your blog. Just lovely.