This is what the Yarnarian did. She signed up for 2 different sock competitions held at about the same time: Sock Knitters Pentathlon (starting March 1) and Sock Madness 2 (starting around the middle of March, I think). Why did I do this to myself? Me with the tetchy wrists and a business to run (OK a mini-business, but it still takes tons of time) Why? What ever possessed me? Clearly I was NOT looking at the time sequence of these activities. Yarn I have, needles too, but I don't knit that fast any more because of my stress injuries. Knittyvritti, I need my head shrunk!
Well, I shall do the best that I can, but what are the odds I'll get anywhere at all with intensive sock knitting? And me off for some daughter and grandchild doting next week.
Knitting news: You know that pretty yarn I dyed a couple of days ago just for me? I made about 4 attempts at different intricate lace patterns with it and they were all crummy. You couldn't see the lace for the color changes. So I went back to one of my sock fall backs, and am now knitting a Roundabout. And it is so much nicer. You'll have to ignore the sloppy diagonal of the ssk; it will all clear up when washed. Yay, wool!

So here's what I've been thinking: I should start to dye up semi-solid yarns. Semi-solid in the sense that I use only one color and that varies here and there in value, and this way has a brighter feel than a completely solid yarn. And these yarns would really show off all sorts of lace and cable patterns. And so, today I dyed up an apple green yarn. I wanted pistachio but got apple green instead. But rather pretty. It's hanging up to dry and tomorrow I'll post a pic.
I also did a sort of antique rose/green/tan yarn, which I think I'll like a lot. Very pale and faded-looking. And 4 more, all of which you'll see tomorrow, I hope.
Emily - No tears, just teeth gnashing. Don't you love the word "gnashing"? You could say: "What are you gnashing about gnow?"
Melissa and Erin - I hear you. Almost solids are in my mind. They're coming after the frozen northland trip.
Jo and Bev - Almost solids are coming up. We are crazy knitters, we sock madness ones, not to mention the pentathlon. Where is a shrink when I need her. ;-) but we'll have fun, or dye trying. Didja get the pun, didja?